The Plan B Group is On the Move in 2021

The Plan B Group is On the Move in 2021

One of the key strengths our business has called upon the most this year has come from our Plan B Group leadership teams, who have not only had to deal with the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, but how we ‘do business’ in the future.

A crucial component of this new direction has been the development of our Plan B Reimagined manuscript, a blueprint for how we will move forward in 2020-21 which emphasises our antidote – a laser-like focus on our client’s objectives and our staff’s needs simultaneously.

Genuine Relationships

For those who truly know Plan B, they will understand that our number one strength is our relationships… genuine, empowering relationships with both our staff and our clients, in equal measure. We are in it to develop enduring, mutually beneficial business relationships, rather than just short-term ‘transactional’ exchanges.

Given this is our key strength, you can imagine now why we are determined to build on these relationships and take them to a new level! To reach this new level, we are engaging in an open and constructive feedback loop to gauge what is working and what needs attention, in real-time.

Business Transparency = Growth

We are big fans of the mantra ‘information is king’, and have been using this time to work closely with our clients to understand how their business is performing in the current climate, and how that might inform developing an approach moving into 2021 and beyond.

We discovered our clients are working to an accelerated timeframe. With this in mind, we are building-specific strategies for each client, and as a result, we are hiring. Yes, you read that right! Since March, we have added 7 new employees to the Plan B Group ensuring we meet the accelerated requirements of each and every one of our clients, and we are backing ourselves to deliver the most comprehensive Electrical and Communications Infrastructure outcomes in the Development Industry.

Once we had our daily operational issues under control, it was crucial to focus our attention on how best to proactively plan and lead the company, amidst all the uncertainty, into the next six to twelve months and beyond.

Empowering, Retaining and Growing Staff

The other crucial component of our ‘Reimagined’ direction is the education and retention of staff, underpinned by their exposure to and involvement in key strategic decisions. The implementation of our Plan B, Reimagined manuscript is something we are very excited about, due to its potential to re-energise our team, and revitalise how we do business.

“The rumour-mill has got everyone talking about how working remotely is here to stay, but here’s why we’re challenging that theory.– Pete Brenchley, MD Plan B Group.

Our staff culture and daily interaction has always been the backbone to our motivation. We are ‘bucking the trend’ by bringing our staff back and are excited to announce that we will be moving into a brand new, state of the art office in February 2021. Professionally designed for staff comfort, and equipped with the latest tech and IT systems for even greater performance, we are looking forward to settling into our new Plan B Hub, and when it is deemed safe, welcome back our valued clients both old and new.

We will still continue to offer our staff the flexibility to work from home, however, we are ‘bucking-the-trend’ as we have always backed our team culture and will be heading back into the new Plan B Hub — which is a big part of what makes Plan B the ‘go-to’ Electrical and Communications Consultancy in Australia.


The Plan B Group is On the Move in 2021

The Plan B Group is On the Move in 2021

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